Our research focuses on the application of aberration-corrected
STEM with emphasis on the unprecedented atomic scale imaging
techniques aimed at unraveling and understanding the various material
property-dependent device performance.

For several decades, studying the microstructure of materials was quite challenging as most of the research works were theoretical. More importantly, providing direct evidence of atomic scale evolution of material properties was nearly impossible due to the limited analytical tools and techniques. However, with the invention of new analysis and interpretational techniques, elucidating the correlation between material nanostructure and device characteristics has become increasingly important for the development of novel materials. Our research focuses on applying aberration-corrected STEM techniques, emphasizing the unprecedented atomic scale imaging techniques to unravel and understand the material property-dependent device performance at the atomic scale. In-depth investigations of phenomena such as atomic scale visualization of antisite defects (such as those observed in LiFePO4) are tackled.


  • Yu-Rim Hong, Nitee Kumari, Junwon Kim, Ankur Maji, Min Gyu Kim, Kyu-Min Jo, Si-Young Choi, Ji Hoon Shim*, In Su Lee* ( equally contributed authors), "High-Density Catalytic Sites Grafting on 2D-Metal Oxides for Acceptorless Alcohol Dehydrogenation", Angewandte Chemie International Edition XX, e202423169 (2025) [pdf]

  • Jo Hyun Yun, Minki Sung, Minhyuk Choi, Kyoo Kim, Wooin Yang, Dowook Kim, Min Joong Kim, Sung-Hyuk Her, Si-Young Choi, Tae-Hwan Kim*, Jae Young Kim*, Han Woong Yeom*, and Jun Sung Kim* ( equally contributed authors), "Flat-Band Electronic Bipolarity in a Janus and Kagome vander Waals Semiconductor Nb3TeI7", Advanced Materials XX, 2415045 (2025) [pdf]

  • Yunkyu Park, Hyeji Sim, Sungwon Lee, Won-Woo Park, Jaejin Hwang, Pyeongkang Hur, Yujeong Lee, Dong Kyu Lee, Kyung Song, Jaekwang Lee, Oh-Hoon Kwon, Si-Young Choi* and Junwoo Son* ( equally contributed authors)"Zero-Strain Metal-Insulator Transition by the Local Fluctuation of Cation Dimerization", Advanced Materials XX, 2413546 (2024) [pdf]

  • Chang Jae Yoon, Gopinathan Anoop*, Seong Min Park, Yeong Jun Son, Tae Yeon Kim, Sanjith Unithrattil, Gyeongtak Han, Young-Min Kim, Gi-Yeop Kim, Si Young Choi, Seongwoo Cho, Seungbum Hong, Ji Young Jo*"Defect induced polar distortion in SrMnO3 thin films", Applied Surface Science 683, 161802 (2025) [pdf]

  • Hyunseok Song, Soo-Yoon Hwang, Kil-Dong Sung, Xiaoxing Cheng, Jong Hoon Jung, Jung-Min Park, Ashok Kumar, Kee Hoon Kim, Sung-Yoon Chung, Seung-Wook Kim, Long-Qing Chen, Chang-Beom Eom, Dae-Yong Jeong*, Si-Young Choi* and Jungho Ryu( equally contributed authors)"Localized Flexoelectric Effect Around Ba(CuNb) Nano-Clusters in Epitaxial BiFeO3 Films for Enhancement of Electric and Multiferroic Properties", Advanced Functional Materials XX, XX (2024) [pdf]