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테스트 교수님이미지

Gi-Yeop Kim (김기엽)

  • 학위과정 Research Assistant Professor / Facilities Manager
  • 연구분야 Functional Oxides
  • 이메일
  • 연락처 +82-54-279-5839



테스트 교수님이미지

Gahee Noh (노가희)

  • 학위과정 M.S. – Ph.D. Integrated Course
  • 연구분야 Functional Oxides
  • 이메일
  • 연락처 +82-54-279-5468


2018.09 - present
M.S. - Ph.D. Integrated Course in Department of Materials Science and Engineering, POSTECH, Korea

2014.03 - 2018.02
B.S. in Department of Materials Science and Engineering, POSTECH, Korea



Yongjoo Jo, Younji Kim, Sanghyeon Kim, Eunjo Ryoo, Gahee Noh, Gi-Jeong Han, Ji Hye Lee*, Won Joon Cho*, Gil-Ho Lee, Si-Young Choi*, and Daesu Lee*, "Field-Free Spin-Orbit Torque Magnetization Switching in a Single-Phase Ferromagnetic and Spin Hall Oxide", Nano Letters 24, 7100-7107 (2024)

Lu Guo, Neil Campbell, Alexander J. Grutter, Gahee Noh, Tianxiang Nan, P. Quarterman, Si-Young Choi, Thomas Tybell, Mark S. Rzchowski, and Chang-Beom Eom*, "Tuning the magnetic anisotropy in artificially layered Mn3GaN/Mn3Ga superlattices", Physical Review Materials 8, L011401 (2024)

Michael Patton, Gautam Gurung, Ding-Fu Shao, Gahee Noh, Joseph A. Mittelstaedt, Marcel Mazur, Jong-Woo Kim, Philip J. Ryan, Evgeny Y. Tsymbal, Si-Young Choi, Daniel C. Ralph, Mark S. Rzchowski, Tianxiang Nan, Chang-Beom Eom*, "Symmetry control of unconventional spin-orbit torques in IrO2", Advanced Materials 35, 2301608 (2023)

Hoon Kim†, Joel Bertinshaw†, J. Porras, B. Keimer, Jungho Kim, J.-W. Kim, Jimin Kim, Jonghwan Kim, Gahee Noh, Gi-Yeop Kim, Si-Young Choi, and B. J. Kim* († equally contributed authors), "Sr2IrO4/Sr3Ir2O7 superlattice for a model two-dimensional quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnet", Physical Review Research 4, 013229 (2022)

Kai Zhang, Duho Kim, Zhe Hu, Mihui Park, Gahee Noh, Yujeong Yang, Jing Zhang, Vincent Wing-hei Lau, Shu-Lei Chou, Maenghyo Cho, Si-Young Choi, and Yong-Mook Kang*, "Manganese based layered oxides with modulated electronic and thermodynamic properties for sodium ion batteries", Nature communications 10, 5203 (2019)
테스트 교수님이미지

Yu-Jeong Yang (양유정)

  • 학위과정 M.S. – Ph.D. Integrated Course
  • 연구분야 Battery Materials
  • 이메일
  • 연락처 +82-54-279-5468


2018.09 - present
M.S. - Ph.D. Integrated Course in Department of Materials Science and Engineering, POSTECH, Korea

2014.03 - 2018.08
B.S. in Department of Chemistry, Sogang University, Korea



So-Yeon Kim†, Yu-Jeong Yang†, Eun Gyu Lee, Min-Su Kim, Kyoung-June Go, Minseuk Kim, Gi-Yeop Kim, Sora Lee, Chiho Jo, Sungho Choi*, Si-Young Choi*, “Site selectivity of single dopant in high-nickel cathodes for lithium-ion batteries”, Chemical Engineering Journal 482, 148869 (2024)

Junghwa Lee, Yujeong Yang, Mihee Jeong, Nicolas Dupre, Maxim Avdeev, Won-Sub Yoon, Si-Young Choi, and Byoungwoo Kang*, "Superior Rate Capability and Cycling Stability in Partially Cation-Disordered Co-Free Li-Rich Layered Materials Enabled by an Initial Activation Process", Chemistry of Materials 33, 5115-5126 (2021)

Kai Zhang, Duho Kim, Zhe Hu, Mihui Park, Gahee Noh, Yujeong Yang, Jing Zhang, Vincent Wing-hei Lau, Shu-Lei Chou, Maenghyo Cho, Si-Young Choi, and Yong-Mook Kang*, "Manganese based layered oxides with modulated electronic and thermodynamic properties for sodium ion batteries", Nature communications 10, 5203 (2019)


[Registration] Electrode for supplying lithium ion for in-situ microscope analysis and method of manufacturing same (실시간 현미경 분석을 위한 리튬이온 공급용 전극 및 그의 제조방법), KR - Si-Young Choi, Byoungwoo Kang, Yu-Jeong Yang, So-Yeon Kim, Abin Kim (2025)

[Application-To be registered] Electrode for supplying lithium ion for in-situ microscope analysis and method of manufacturing same (실시간 현미경 분석을 위한 리튬이온 공급용 전극 및 그의 제조방법), PCT/US - Si-Young Choi, Byoungwoo Kang, Yu-Jeong Yang, So-Yeon Kim, Abin Kim (2022)

테스트 교수님이미지

Kyoung-June Go (고경준)

  • 학위과정 M.S. – Ph.D. Integrated Course
  • 연구분야 Functional Oxides / New Analytical Techniques
  • 이메일
  • 연락처 +82-54-279-5468


2019.03 - present
M.S. - Ph.D. Integrated Course in Department of Materials Science and Engineering, POSTECH, Korea

2015.03 - 2019.02
B.S. in Department of Materials Science and Engineering, POSTECH, Korea



Chaehwa Jeong, Juhyeok Lee, Hyesung Jo, Jaewhan Oh, Hionsuck Baik, Kyoung-June Go, Junwoo Son, Si-Young Choi, Sergey Prosandeev, Laurent Bellaiche and Yongsoo Yang*, “Revealing the three-dimensional arrangement of polar topology in nanoparticles”, Nature Communications 15, 3887 (2024)

Jung Woo Cho†, Myeong Seop Song†, In Hyeok Choi, Kyoung-June Go, Jaewoo Han, Tae Yoon Lee, Chihwan An, Hyung-Jin Choi, Changhee Sohn, Min Hyuk Park, Seung-Hyub Baek, Jong Seok Lee*, Si-Young Choi*, and Seung Chul Chae* († equally contributed authors), “Atomic Layer Deposition of Epitaxial Ferroelectric Hf0.5Zr0.5O2 Thin Films”, Advanced Functional Materials 34, 2314396 (2024)

So-Yeon Kim†, Yu-Jeong Yang†, Eun Gyu Lee, Min-Su Kim, Kyoung-June Go, Minseuk Kim, Gi-Yeop Kim, Sora Lee, Chiho Jo, Sungho Choi*, Si-Young Choi*, “Site selectivity of single dopant in high-nickel cathodes for lithium-ion batteries”, Chemical Engineering Journal 482, 148869 (2024)

Junghun Han†, Kyoung-June Go†, Jinhyuk Jang, Sejung Yang* , and Si-Young Choi* , "Materials property mapping from atomic scale imaging via machine learning based sub-pixel processing", npj Computational Materials 8, 196 (2022)

Seunghun Kang†, Woo-Sung Jang†, Anna N. Morozovska†, Owoong Kwon, Yeongrok Jin, Young-Hoon Kim, Hagtoul Bae, Chenxi Wang, Sang-Hyeok Yang, Alex Belianinov, Steven Randolph, Eugene A. Eliseev, Liam Collins, Yeehyun Park, Sanghyun Jo, Min-Hyoung Jung, Kyoung-June Go, Hae Won Cho, Si-Young Choi, Jae Hyuck Jang, Sunkook Kim, Hu Young Jeong, Jaekwang Lee, Olga S. Ovchinnikova, Jinseong Heo, Sergei V. Kalinin*, Young-Min Kim*, and Yunseok Kim* († equally contributed authors), "Highly enhanced ferroelectricity in HfO2-based ferroelectric thin film by light ion bombardment", Science 376, 731-738 (2022)

Jeong Rae Kim†, Jinhyuk Jang†, Kyoung-June Go, Se Young Park*, Chang Jae Roh, John Bonini, Jin Kwon Kim, Han Gyeol Lee, Karin Rabe, Jongseok Lee, Si-Young Choi*, Tae Won Noh*, and Daesu Lee* († equally contributed authors), "Stabilizing hidden room-temperature ferroelectricity via a metastable atomic distortion pattern", Nature Communications 11, 4944 (2020)

Chang Jae Roh, Myung-Chul Jung, Jeong Rae Kim, Kyoung-June Go, Jinkwon Kim, Ho Jun Oh, Young-Ryun Jo, Yeong Jae Shin, Jeong Gi Choi, Bong-Joong Kim, Do Young Noh, Si-Young Choi, Tae Won Noh, Myung Joon Han, and Jong Seok Lee*, "Polar Metal Phase Induced by Oxygen Octahedral Network Relaxation in Oxide Thin Films", Small 16, 2003055 (2020)


[Registration] Method for analyzing atomic structure of STEM images (주사투과전자현미경 이미지에서의 원자 구조 해석 방법) - Kyoung-June Go, Dong-Hwan Yang, Si-Young Choi, Se-Jung Yang, Jung-Hun Han, Ji-Young Lee, Hong Gi An (2021)

[Registration] Method for analyzing atomic images of low dimensional materials (저차원 재료의 원자 이미지 분석 방법) - Dong-Hwan Yang, Si-Young Choi, Kyoung-June Go, Gi-Yeop Kim, Odongo Francis Ngome Okello, Chu-Yu Seong, Jung-Hun Han, Se-Jung Yang (2021)

[Registration] An analyzing method for perovskite structure using machine learning (기계학습을 이용한 페로브스카이트의 구조 분석 방법) - Si-Young Choi, Gi-Yeop Kim, Kyoung June Go, Jinhyuk Jang (2021)
테스트 교수님이미지

Hyeji Sim (심혜지)

  • 학위과정 M.S. – Ph.D. Integrated Course
  • 연구분야 Functional Oxides
  • 이메일
  • 연락처 +82-54-279-5468


2019.09 - present
M.S. - Ph.D. Integrated Course in Department of Materials Science and Engineering, POSTECH, Korea

2015.03 - 2019.08
B.S. in Department of Materials Science and Engineering, POSTECH, Korea



Yunkyu Park†, Hyeji Sim†, Sungwon Lee, Won-Woo Park, Jaejin Hwang, Pyeongkang Hur, Yujeong Lee, Dong Kyu Lee, Kyung Song, Jaekwang Lee, Oh-Hoon Kwon, Si-Young Choi*, and Junwoo Son* († equally contributed authors), "Zero-Strain Metal-Insulator Transition by the Local Fluctuation of Cation Dimerization", Advanced Materials XX, 2413546 (2024)

Hyeji Sim†, Kyung-Yeon Doh†, Yunkyu Park, Kyung Song, Gi-Yeop Kim, Junwoo Son, Donghwa Lee*, Si-Young Choi* († equally contributed authors), "Crystallographic Pathways to Tailoring Metal-Insulator Transition through Oxygen Transport in VO2", Small 20, 2402260 (2024)

Yujeong Lee†, Daseob Yoon†, Yeon-Seo Nam†, Sangbae Yua, Chaesung Limb, Hyeji Sim, Yunkyu Park, Jeong Woo Han, Si-Young Choi*, and Junwoo Son* († equally contributed authors), “Accelerating metal nanoparticle exsolution by exploiting tolerance factor of perovskite stannate”, Materials Horizons 11, 3835-3843 (2024)

Dong Kyu Lee, Sungwon Lee, Hyeji Sim, Yunkyu Park, Si-Young Choi, and Junwoo Son*, "Piezo strain-controlled phase transition in single-crystalline Mott switches for threshold-manipulated leaky integrate-and-fire neurons", Science Advances 10, eadk8836 (2024)

Yunkyu Park, Hyeji Sim, Kyung-Yeon Doh, Minguk Jo, Donghwa Liee, Si-Young Choi, and Junwoo Son*, "Anionic Flow Valve Across Oxide Heterointerfaces by Remote Electron Doping", Nano Letters 22, 9306-9312 (2022)

Yujeong Lee†, Daseob Yoon†, Sangbae Yu, Hyeji Sim, Yunkyu Park, Yeon-Seo Nam, Ki-Jeong Kim, Si-Young Choi, Youngho Kang, and Junwoo Son* († equally contributed authors), "Reversible Manipulation of Photoconductivity Caused by Surface Oxygen Vacancies in Perovskite Stannates with Ultraviolet Light", Advanced Materials 34, 2107650 (2021)

Dong Kyu Lee†, Yunkyu Park†, Hyeji Sim†, Jinheon Park, Younghak Kim, Gi-Yeop Kim, Chang-Beom Eom, Si-Young Choi*, and Junwoo Son* († equally contributed authors), "Heterogeneous integration of single-crystalline rutile nanomembranes with steep phase transition on silicon substrates", Nature Communications 12, 5019 (2021)

Jaeseoung Park, Hyojin Yoon, Hyeji Sim, Si-Young Choi, and Junwoo Son*, “Accelerated Hydrogen Diffusion and Surface Exchange by Domain Boundaries in Epitaxial VO2 Thin Films”, ACS Nano 14, 2533-2541 (2020)

Yunkyu Park, Hyeji Sim, Minguk Jo, Gi-Yeop Kim, Daseob Yoon, Hyeon Han, Younghak Kim, Kyung Song, Donghwa Lee, Si-Young Choi, and Junwoo Son*, “Directional ionic transport across the oxide interface enables low-temperature epitaxy of rutile TiO2”, Nature Communications 11, 1401 (2020)

Noho Lee, Il Yong Choi, Kyung-Yeon Doh, Jaewon Kim, Hyeji Sim, Donghwa Lee, Si-Young Choi* and Jong Kyu Kim*, “Enhanced catalytic activity of edge-exposed 1T phase WS2 grown directly on a WO3 nanohelical array for water splitting”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 7, 26378 (2019)


[Application-To be registered] Electronic device including heterogeneous single-crystal transition metal oxide layer disposed on a substrate, and method for manufacturing the same (기판 상에 배치되는 이종의 단결정 전이 금속 산화물 층을 포함하는 전자 소자 및 이의 제조 방법), KR/US - Junwoo Son, Yunkyu Park, Dong Kyu Lee, Si-Young Choi, Hyeji Sim (2022)

[Registration] Heat treatment apparatus and microscope system comprising the same (열처리 장치 및 이를 포함하는 현미경 시스템) - Si-Young Choi, Gi-Yeop Kim, Hyeji Sim, Soo-Yoon Hwang (2019)
테스트 교수님이미지

Dong-Hwan Yang (양동환)

  • 학위과정 M.S. – Ph.D. Integrated Course
  • 연구분야 Two-dimensional Materials / New Analytical Techniques
  • 이메일
  • 연락처 +82-54-279-5468


2019.03 - present
M.S. - Ph.D. Integrated Course in Department of Materials Science and Engineering, POSTECH, Korea

2015.03 - 2019.02
B.S. in Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Pusan National University (Summa Cum Laude), Korea



Heonsu Ahn†, Gunho Moon†, Hang-gyo Jung, Bingchen Deng, Dong-Hwan Yang, Sera Yang, Cheolhee Han, Hyunje Cho, Youngki Yeo, Cheol-Joo Kim, Chan-Ho Yang, Jonghwan Kim, Si-Young Choi, Hongkun Park, Jongwook Jeon, Jin-Hong Park & Moon-Ho Jo* († equally contributed authors), "Integrated 1D epitaxial mirror twin boundaries for ultrascaled 2D MoS2 field-effect transistors", Nature Nanotechnology 19, 955-961 (2024)

Dong-Hwan Yang†, Yu-Seong Chu†, Odongo Francis Ngome Okello, Seung-Young Seo, Gunho Moon, Kwang Ho Kim, Moon-Ho Jo, Dongwon Shin, Sejung Yang* and Si-Young Choi* († equally contributed authors), "Full automation of point defect detection in transition metal dichalcogenides through dual mode deep learning algorithm", Materials Horizons 11, 747-757 (2024)

Odongo Francis Ngome Okello†, Dong-Hwan Yang†, Seung-Young Seo, Jewook Park, Gunho Moon, Dongwon Shin, Yu-Seong Chu, Sejung Yang, Teruyasu Mizoguchi, Moon-Ho Jo*, and Si-Young Choi* († equally contributed authors), "Atomistic Probing of Defect-Engineered 2H-MoTe2 Monolayers", ACS Nano 18, 6927-6935 (2024)

Un Yang, Byunghwa Kang, Moon-Jung Yong, Dong-Hwan Yang, Si-Young Choi, Jung Ho Je*, and Seung Soo Oh*, "Type-Independent 3D Nano-Writing of Confined Biopolymers", Advanced Science 10, 2207403 (2023)

Inseob Shin†, Won Joon Cho†, Eun-Su An, Sungyu Park, Hyeon-Woo Jeong, Seong Jang, Woon Joong Baek, Seong Yong Park, Dong-Hwan Yang, Jun Ho Seo, Gi-Yeop Kim, Mazhar N. Ali, Si-Young Choi, Hyun-Woo Lee, Jun Sung Kim, Sungdug Kim, and Gil-Ho Lee* († equally contributed authors), "Spin-orbit Torque Switching in an All-Van der Waals Heterostructure", Advanced Materials 34, 2101730 (2022)

Odongo Francis Ngome Okello, Dong-Hwan Yang, Yu-seong Chu, Sejung Yang, and Si-Young Choi*, "Atomic-level defect modulation and characterization methods in 2D materials", APL Materials 9, 100902 (2021)

Gangtae Jin†, Chang-Soo Lee†, Odongo F. N. Okello, Suk-Ho Lee, Min Yeong Park, Soonyoung Cha, Seung-Young Seo, Gunho Moon, Seok Young Min, Dong-Hwan Yang, Cheolhee Han, Hyungju Ahn, Jekwan Lee, Hyunyong Choi, Jonghwan Kim, Si-Young Choi, and Moon-Ho Jo* († equally contributed authors), "Heteroepitaxial van der Waals semiconductor superlattices" Nature Nanotechnology 16, 1092-1098 (2021)

Seung-Young Seo†, Dong-Hwan Yang†, Gunho Moon, Odongo F. N. Okello, Min Yeong Park, Suk-Ho Lee, Si-Young Choi*, and Moon-Ho Jo* († equally contributed authors), "Identification of point defects in atomically thin transition- metal dichalcogenide semiconductors as active dopants", Nano Letters 21, 3341 (2021)


[Registration] Method for analyzing atomic structure of STEM images (주사투과전자현미경 이미지에서의 원자 구조 해석 방법) - Kyoung-June Go, Dong-Hwan Yang, Si-Young Choi, Se-Jung Yang, Jung-Hun Han, Ji-Young Lee, Hong Gi An (2021)

[Registration] Method for analyzing atomic images of low dimensional materials (저차원 재료의 원자 이미지 분석 방법) - Dong-Hwan Yang, Si-Young Choi, Kyoung-June Go, Gi-Yeop Kim, Odongo Francis Ngome Okello, Chu-Yu Seong, Jung-Hun Han, Se-Jung Yang (2021)
테스트 교수님이미지

Soo-Yoon Hwang (황수윤)

  • 학위과정 M.S. – Ph.D. Integrated Course
  • 연구분야 Functional Oxides
  • 이메일
  • 연락처 +82-54-279-5468


2019.03 - present
M.S. - Ph.D. Integrated Course in Department of Materials Science and Engineering, POSTECH, Korea

2015.03 - 2019.02
B.S. in Department of Materials Science and Engineering, POSTECH, Korea



Hyunseok Song†, Soo-Yoon Hwang†, Kil-Dong Sung†, Xiaoxing Cheng, Jong Hoon Jung, Jung-Min Park, Ashok Kumar, Kee Hoon Kim, Sung-Yoon Chung, Seung-Wook Kim, Long-Qing Chen, Chang-Beom Eom, Dae-Yong Jeong*, Si-Young Choi*, and Jungho Ryu* († equally contributed authors), "Localized Flexoelectric Effect Around Ba(CuNb) Nano-Clusters in Epitaxial BiFeO3 Films for Enhancement of Electric and Multiferroic Properties", Advanced Functional Materials XX, XX (2024)

Muhammad Sheeraz†, Chang Won Ahn†, Nguyen Xuan Duong†, Soo-Yoon Hwang†, Ji-Soo Jang, Eun-Young Kim, Yoon Ki Kim, Jaeyeong Lee, Jong Sung Jin, Jong-Seong Bae, Myang Hwan Lee, Hyoung-Su Han, Gi-Yeop Kim, Shinuk Cho, Tae Kwon Song, Sang Mo Yang, Sang Don Bu, Seung-Hyub Baek, Si-Young Choi*, Ill Won Kim*, and Tae Heon Kim* († equally contributed authors), "ProtonationDriven Polarization Retention Failure in Nano-Columnar Lead-Free Ferroelectric Thin Films", Advanced Science XX, XX (2024)

Soo-Yoon Hwang†, Gyoung-Ja Lee†, Yuzhao Qi, Michael Abraham Listyawan, Kyung Song, Youngho Kang, Jungho Ryu, Xiaoyan Lu, Min-Ku Lee* and Si-Young Choi* († equally contributed authors), "Enhanced thermal stability by short-range ordered ferroelectricity in K0.5Na0.5NbO3-based piezoelectric oxides", Materials Horizons 10, 2656 (2023)

Youngki Yeo, Soo-Yoon Hwang, Jinwook Yeo, Jihun Kim, Jinhyuk Jang, Heung-Sik Park, Yong-Jin Kim, Duc Duy Le, Kyung Song, Moonhong Kim, Seunghwa Ryu*, Si-Young Choi*, and Chan-Ho Yang*, "Configurable Crack Wall Conduction in a Complex Oxide", Nano Letters 23, 398-406 (2023)

Junho Seo, Eun Su An, Taesu Park, Soo-Yoon Hwang, Gi-Yeop Kim, Kyung Song, Woo-Suk Noh, Jaeyoung KIm, Gyu Seung Choi, Minhyuk Choi, Eunseok Oh, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Jae-Hoon Park, Youn Jung Jo, Han Woong Yeom, Si-Young Choi*, Ji Hoon Shim*, and Jun Sung Kim*, "Tunable high-temperature itinerant antiferromagnetism in a van der Waals magnet", Nature Communications 12, 2844 (2021)

Shinhee Yun, Kyung Song, Kanghyun Chu, Soo-Yoon Hwang, Gi-Yeop Kim, Jeongdae Seo, Chang-Su Woo, Si-Young Choi*, and Chan-Ho Yang*, "Flexopiezoelectricity at ferroelastic domain walls in WO3 films", Nature Communications 11, 4898 (2020)

Junho Seo, Duck Young Kim, Eun Su An, Kyoo Kim, Gi-Yeop Kim, Soo-Yoon Hwang, Dong Wook Kim, Bo Gyu Jang, Heejung Kim, Gyeongsik Eom, Seung Young Seo, Roland Stania, Matthias Muntwiler, Jinwon Lee, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Youn Jung Jo, Jieun Lee, Byung Il Min, Moon Ho Jo, Han Woong Yeom, Si-Young Choi*, Ji Hoon Shim*, Jun Sung Kim*, "Nearly room temperature ferromagnetism in a magnetic metal-rich van der Waals metal", Science Advances 6, eaay8912 (2020)


[Registration] Heat treatment apparatus and microscope system comprising the same (열처리 장치 및 이를 포함하는 현미경 시스템), KR - Si-Young Choi, Gi-Yeop Kim, Hyeji Sim, Soo-Yoon Hwang (2019)
테스트 교수님이미지

So-Yeon Kim (김소연)

  • 학위과정 M.S. – Ph.D. Integrated Course
  • 연구분야 Battery Materials
  • 이메일
  • 연락처 +82-54-279-5468


2019.03 - present
M.S. - Ph.D. Integrated Course in Department of Materials Science and Engineering, POSTECH, Korea

2015.03 - 2019.02
B.S. in Department of Materials Science and Engineering, POSTECH, Korea



So-Yeon Kim†, Yu-Jeong Yang†, Eun Gyu Lee, Min-Su Kim, Kyoung-June Go, Minseuk Kim, Gi-Yeop Kim, Sora Lee, Chiho Jo, Sungho Choi*, Si-Young Choi*, "Site selectivity of single dopant in high-nickel cathodes for lithium-ion batteries", Chemical Engineering Journal 482, 148869 (2024)

Hyemin Park†, Eun Gyu Lee†, So-Yeon Kim, Si Jin Seong, Jae Yong Suh, Mihye Wu, Yongku Kang, Si-Young Choi*, Yongseon Kim*, and Sungho Choi* († equally contributed authors) "Free-Standing, Robust, and Stable Li+ Conductive Li(Sr,Zr)2(PO4)3/PEO Composite Electrolytes for Solid-State Batteries", ACS Applied Energy Materials 4, 13974-13982 (2021)


[Registration] Electrode for supplying lithium ion for in-situ microscope analysis and method of manufacturing same (실시간 현미경 분석을 위한 리튬이온 공급용 전극 및 그의 제조방법), KR - Si-Young Choi, Byoungwoo Kang, Yu-Jeong Yang, So-Yeon Kim, Abin Kim (2025)

[Application-To be registered] Electrode for supplying lithium ion for in-situ microscope analysis and method of manufacturing same (실시간 현미경 분석을 위한 리튬이온 공급용 전극 및 그의 제조방법), PCT/US - Si-Young Choi, Byoungwoo Kang, Yu-Jeong Yang, So-Yeon Kim, Abin Kim (2022)
테스트 교수님이미지

Chang-Won Choi (최창원)

  • 학위과정 M.S. – Ph.D. Integrated Course
  • 연구분야 Two-dimensional Materials
  • 이메일
  • 연락처 +82-54-279-5468


2020.03 - present
M.S. - Ph.D. Integrated Course in Department of Materials Science and Engineering, POSTECH, Korea

- 2020.02
B.S. in Department of Applied Chemistry, Kyungpook National University, Korea



Jiye Kim, Jaesub Song, Hyunjoung Kwak, Chang-Won Choi, Kyungmi Noh, Seokho Moon, Hyeonwoong Hwang, Inyong Hwang, Hokyeong Jeong, Si-Young Choi, Seyoung Kim, Jong Kyu Kim*, "Attojoule Hexagonal Boron Nitride-Based Memristor for High-Performance Neuromorphic Computing", Small 20, 202403737 (2024)

Min-Yeong Choi†, Chang-Won Choi†, Dong-Yeong Kim, Moon-Ho Jo, Yong-Sung Kim*, Si-Young Choi*, and Cheol-Joo Kim* († equally contributed authors), "Thermodynamically Driven Tilt Grain Boundaries of Monolayer Crystals Using Catalytic Liquid Alloys", Nano Letters 23, 4516-4523 (2023)

Jiye Kim, Kyung-Yeon Doh, Seokho Moon, Chang-Won Choi, Hokyeong Jeong, Jaewon Kim, Wonseok Yoo, Kyungwook Park, Kyeongock Chong, Chunhyng Chung, Hanmei Choi, Si-Young Choi, Donghwa Lee, and Jong Kyu Kim*, "Conformal Growth of Hexagonal Boron Nitride on High-Aspect Ratio Silicon-Based Nanotrenches", Chemistry of Materials 35, 2429-2438 (2023)

Min-Yeong Choi†, Chang-Won Choi†, Seong-Jun Yang, Hojeong Lee, Shinyoung Choi, Jun-Ho Park, Jong Heo, Si-Young Choi*, and Cheol-Joo Kim* († equally contributed authors), "Substrate-Dependent Growth Mode Control of MoS2 Monolayers: Implications for Hydrogen Evolution and Field-Effect Transistors", ACS Applied Nano Materials 5, 4336-4342 (2022)

Kwang Hee Kim†, Chang-Won Choi†, Seokhyun Choung, Yoonjun Cho, Sungsoon Kim, Cheoulwoo Oh, Kug-Seung Lee, Chang-Lyoul Lee, Kan Zhang, Jeong Woo Han*, Si-Young Choi*, and Jong Hyeok Park* († equally contributed authors), "Continuous Oxygen Vacancy Gradient in TiO2 Photoelectrodes by a Photoelectrochemical-Driven “Self-Purification” Process", Advanced Energy Materials 12, 2103495 (2022)

Jun-Ho Park, Seong-Jun Yang, Chang-Won Choi, Si-Young Choi*, and Cheol-Joo Kim*, "Pristine Graphene Insertion at the Metal/Semiconductor Interface to Minimize Metal-Induced Gap States", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 13, 22828-22835 (2021)
테스트 교수님이미지

Jeong-Min Kim (김정민)

  • 학위과정 M.S. – Ph.D. Integrated Course
  • 연구분야 Battery Materials
  • 이메일
  • 연락처 +82-54-279-5468


2020.09 - present
M.S. - Ph.D. Integrated Course in Department of Materials Science and Engineering, POSTECH, Korea

2014.03 - 2020.08
B.S. in Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Ajou University, Korea



Si Jin Seong, Minseuk Kim, Jeong-Min Kim, Changil Park, Semin Ko, Ja Yeon Kim, Mihye Wu, Young-Chul Song, Si-Young Choi*, Sungho Choi*, "Controlled crystal growth and electrode formation of single crystalline Li(Ni,Mn)2O4 spinel cathodes", Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 961, 171082 (2023)
테스트 교수님이미지

Yeon-Seo Nam (남연서)

  • 학위과정 M.S. – Ph.D. Integrated Course
  • 연구분야 Functional Oxides
  • 이메일
  • 연락처 +82-54-279-5468


2021.03 - present
M.S. - Ph.D. Integrated Course in Department of Materials Science and Engineering, POSTECH, Korea

2017.03 - 2021.02
B.S. in Department of Applied Physics, Kyung Hee University, Korea



Yujeong Lee†, Daseob Yoon†, Yeon-Seo Nam†, Sangbae Yua, Chaesung Limb, Hyeji Sim, Yunkyu Park, Jeong Woo Han, Si-Young Choi*, and Junwoo Son*, "Accelerating metal nanoparticle exsolution by exploiting tolerance factor of perovskite stannate", Materials Horizons 11, 3835-3843 (2024)

Minguk Jo, Ye-Won Seo, HyoJin Yoon, Yeon-Seo Nam, Si-Young Choi, Byung Joon Choi & Junwoo Son*, "Embedded metallic nanoparticles facilitate metastability of switchable metallic domains in Mott threshold switches", Nature communications 13, 4609 (2022)

Yujeong Lee†, Daseob Yoon†, Sangbae Yu, Hyeji Sim, Yunkyu Park, Yeon-Seo Nam, Ki-Jeong Kim, Si-Young Choi, Youngho Kang, and Junwoo Son* († equally contributed authors), "Reversible Manipulation of Photoconductivity Caused by Surface Oxygen Vacancies in Perovskite Stannates with Ultraviolet Light", Advanced Materials 34, 2107650 (2021)
테스트 교수님이미지

Sung-Hyuk Her (허성혁)

  • 학위과정 M.S. – Ph.D. Integrated Course
  • 연구분야 Two-dimensional Materials
  • 이메일
  • 연락처 +82-54-279-5468


2021.09 - present
M.S. - Ph.D. Integrated Course in Department of Materials Science and Engineering, POSTECH, Korea

2016.03~ 2021.08
B.S. in Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Kyungpook National University, Korea



Jo Hyun Yun†, Minki Sung†, Minhyuk Choi†, Kyoo Kim†, Wooin Yang, Dowook Kim, Min Joong Kim, Sung-Hyuk Her, Si-Young Choi, Tae-Hwan Kim*, Jae Young Kim*, Han Woong Yeom*, and Jun Sung Kim* († equally contributed authors), "Flat-Band Electronic Bipolarity in a Janus and Kagome vander Waals Semiconductor Nb3TeI7", Advanced Materials XX, 2415045 (2025)
테스트 교수님이미지

Min-Su Kim (김민수)

  • 학위과정 M.S. – Ph.D. Integrated Course
  • 연구분야 Functional Oxides / New Analytical Techniques
  • 이메일
  • 연락처 +82-54-279-5468


2022.02 - present
M.S. - Ph.D. Integrated Course in Department of Materials Science and Engineering, POSTECH, Korea

2018.03 - 2021.08
B.S. in Department of Integrative Engineering (Nanomaterials Engineering), Chung-Ang University, Korea



So-Yeon Kim†, Yu-Jeong Yang†, Eun Gyu Lee, Min-Su Kim, Kyoung-June Go, Minseuk Kim, Gi-Yeop Kim, Sora Lee, Chiho Jo, Sungho Choi*, Si-Young Choi*, "Site selectivity of single dopant in high-nickel cathodes for lithium-ion batteries", Chemical Engineering Journal 482, 148869 (2024)

Yong-Jun Kwon, Youngki Yeo, Min-Su Kim, Yong-Jin Kim, Heung-Sik Park, Jaegyu Kim, Si-Young Choi, and Chan-Ho Yang*, "Observation of Hidden Polar Phases and Flux Closure Domain Topology in Bi2WO6 Thin Films", Nano Letters 23, 4557-4563 (2023)
테스트 교수님이미지

Kyu-Min Jo (조규민)

  • 학위과정 M.S. – Ph.D. Integrated Course
  • 연구분야 Battery Materials
  • 이메일
  • 연락처 +82-54-279-5468


2023.02 - present
M.S. - Ph.D. Integrated Course in Department of Materials Science and Engineering, POSTECH, Korea

2017.03 - 2023.02
B.S in Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Pusan National University, Korea



Yu-Rim Hong†, Nitee Kumari†, Junwon Kim†, Ankur Maji, Min Gyu Kim, Kyu-Min Jo, Si-Young Choi, Ji Hoon Shim*, In Su Lee* († equally contributed authors), "High-Density Catalytic Sites Grafting on 2D-Metal Oxides for Acceptorless Alcohol Dehydrogenation", Angewandte Chemie International Edition XX, e202423169 (2025)
테스트 교수님이미지

Seong-Sik Kim (김성식)

  • 학위과정 M.S. – Ph.D. Integrated Course
  • 연구분야 Functional Oxides
  • 이메일
  • 연락처 +82-54-279-5468


2024.02 - present
M.S. - Ph.D. Integrated Course in Department of Materials Science and Engineering, POSTECH, Korea

2018.03 - 2024.02
B.S. in Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Ajou University, Korea


테스트 교수님이미지

Chul-Lee Lee (이철이)



2024.02 - present
Ph.D. Course in Department of Materials Science and Engineering, POSTECH, Korea

2021.03 - 2023.02
M.S. in Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Gyeongsang National University, Korea

2014.03 - 2021.02
B.S. in Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Gyeongsang National University, Korea



Dong Won Kim, Eun-Jeong Kim, Chul-Lee Lee, Kyoung-Seok Moon*, "Spontaneous adsorption effect of graphitic carbon nitride nanosheets to improve sintering behavior of yttria-stabilized zirconia microbeads", Applied Surface Science 654, 159447 (2024)

Chul-Lee Lee, and Kyoung-Seok Moon*, "Grain Shape and Grain Growth Behavior in the (K0.5Na0.5)NbO3-CaZrO3 System", Journal of Powder Materials 29, 110-117 (2022)
테스트 교수님이미지

Gyung-Min Park (박경민)

  • 학위과정 M.S. - Ph.D. Integrated Course
  • 연구분야 Functional Oxides
  • 이메일
  • 연락처 +82-54-279-5468


2025.02 - present
M.S. - Ph.D. Integrated Course in Department of Materials Science and Engineering, POSTECH, Korea

2020.03 - 2025.02
B.S. in Department of Materials Science and Engineering, POSTECH, Korea


테스트 교수님이미지

Ji-yeon Seo (서지연)

  • 학위과정 M.S. - Ph.D. Integrated Course
  • 연구분야 Functional Oxides
  • 이메일
  • 연락처 +82-54-279-5468


2025.02 - present
M.S - Ph.D. Integrated Course in Department of Materials Science and Engineering, POSTECH, Korea

2022.03 - 2024.02
B.S. in Department of Chemistry, Yonsei University, Korea

2019.03 - 2021.01
Coursework toward B.S. in Department of Chemistry, Kwangwoon University, Korea


테스트 교수님이미지

Seung-Hyun Heo (허승현)

  • 학위과정 M.S. - Ph.D. Integrated Course
  • 연구분야 Functional Oxides
  • 이메일
  • 연락처 +82-54-279-5468


2025.02 - present
M.S. - Ph.D. Integrated Course in Department of Materials Science and Engineering, POSTECH, Korea

2021.03 - 2025.02
B.S. in Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Pukyong National University, Korea


테스트 교수님이미지

Sang-Heon Lee (이상헌)

  • 학위과정 M.S. - Ph.D. Integrated Course
  • 연구분야 Battery Materials
  • 이메일
  • 연락처 +82-54-279-5468


2025.02 - present
M.S. - Ph.D. Integrated Course in Department of Materials Science and Engineering, POSTECH, Korea

2018.03 - 2025.02
B.S. in Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Inha University, Korea


테스트 교수님이미지

Suhyeon Cho (조수현)

  • 학위과정 Administrative staff
  • 연구분야
  • 이메일
  • 연락처 +82-54-279-5836


Suhyeon Cho


테스트 교수님이미지

Mina Choi (최미나)

  • 학위과정 Administrative staff
  • 연구분야
  • 이메일
  • 연락처 +82-54-279-5839



테스트 교수님이미지

Soo Jeong Hwang (황수정)


