[Conference] 2022.10 대한금속재료학회 추계학술대회 | |
October 26th - October 28th , 2022 / ICCJEJU, Republic of Korea
2022 Fall Meeting of the Korean Institute of Metals and Materials
[Tutorial Session] 강연: 머신러닝 기반 원자구조 해석 활용법 (최시영 교수, POSTECH) 실습: PRESTem 프로그램을 이용한 원자구조 해석 (고경준, POSTECH)
[Poster Presentation] Chang-Won Choi: Grain boundary roughening and thereby control of grain growth behavior in Na-assisted grown MoS2 (Best Poster Presentation Award) Sunghyuk-Her: 1D channel Trigonal Tellurium-Quantum Modulation and Atomic Scale Imaging in 2D NiTe2 [Group Photo]
이전글 | [Conference] 2022.10 한국세라믹학회 추계학술대회 |
다음글 | [Conference] 2023.01 제18차 유전체연합심포지엄 |